
Systems biology:  Mapping the Quantitative Changes of Food Microbiome (Foods vs Gut)

Within the field of predictive microbiology in food, the majority of models prioritise simplicity and broad applicability. These models can be categorised as black-box models, as their primary objective is to depict the behaviour of population-level microorganisms in reaction to their environment. Studies that target systems biology i.e., those researchers who are interested in examining the capabilities and constraints of systems biology tools when implemented in demanding dynamic environments, i.e., changing in space and in time, such as those encountered not only in food per se (food microbial ecology) but also in gut, are welcome

Individual cell Modelling: from single cells to microbial population and vice versa 

Single-cell behaviour is pivotal in predictive microbiology for its role in refining models that anticipate microbial population dynamics. Microbial communities exhibit significant diversity at the individual cell level, impacting overall growth, survival, and responses to stressors. By scrutinizing single-cell behaviour, researchers gain insights into the nuanced mechanisms governing microbial responses, improving predictive accuracy. This approach enhances our understanding of microbial dynamics, enabling more targeted interventions in fields such as food safety, healthcare, and environmental management.

Important Dates

Congress Dates: 1-3/09/2025

Abstract Submission Deadline: 28/02/2025

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