General Information

Congress Dates

Monday 01 September 2025 - Wednesday 03 September 2025

Congress Venue

Technopolis City of Athens

Official Language

The official language of the Conference is English. No interpretation will be provided.

Smoking Policy

Smoking is not allowed at the venue; the meeting is a non-smoking event!

Liability & Insurance

The Organizers accept no liability for any personal injury, loss or damage of property or additional expenses incurred to conference participants either during the conference or as result of delays, strikes or any other circumstances. Participants are requested to make their own arrangements with respect to health and travel insurance.

Conference material

Badges and Conference material will be provided to all registered participants by the Conference Secretariat. Conference badges are mandatory for admission and access to the meeting hall and exhibition, as well as all congress functions. Please wear your badge visibly at all times.

Important Dates

Congress Dates: 1-3/09/2025

Abstract Submission Deadline: 15/02/2025

Contact Us

: +30 210 3668 892, 857


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