Thank you for attending!!!

call for abstracts 

Abstract Submission Is Now Closed!

Thank you to anyone who submitted an abstract to this year conference ! 

General Guidelines

    Abstracts must be submitted in English using exclusively the on-line system of the Conference web page (Abstract submission).

    Abstracts submitted via fax or any other means will not be accepted. Please indicate  one of the Main Scientific Topics for your abstract and the preferred way of presentation (oral or poster presentation).

    Your abstract should be no longer than 350 words (including spaces and references but not names or affiliations).

    The title must be no longer than 30 words.

    Please indicate up to 6 key words of your abstract.

    The Scientific Committee of MIKROBIOKOSMOS2023 will determine whether the abstract will be accepted as an oral presentation or a poster, with consideration given to the author’s preference.

    For each conference registration an author/co-author can present up to 1 work of any kind. Certificates will be given only to registered participants.

    In order for the submitted abstract to be evaluated, the presenting author of abstracts must be registered participant at MIKROBIOKOSMOS 2023.

    Registration must be received no later than July 28th 2023 to ensure that your abstract is included in the conference programme and scheduled for presentation. Abstracts must be received by the announced deadline.

    Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered. Submission of an abstract acknowledges your consent for the abstract to be published in the official programme.

    The corresponding author must ensure the congress secretariat, that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract and they consent to its submission.

    Authors will be notified by e-mail no later than June 16th 2023, whether their abstract has been accepted or rejected, and, in case of acceptance about the form of presentation.

    Students will have to present an ID to prove their status.


    MAY 15, 2023