We would like to inform you that the following hotels have rooms available from March 16th to March 22nd, 2025.
All hotels are located in close proximity to the Costa Navarino premises and a daily shuttle bus service will be provided.
Due to limited availability, we recommend booking your accommodation early to secure your required housing arrangements.
To view the available rooms and hotels, please select your preferred dates of stay and click "Search."
If you require additional nights before or after the specified dates (March 16-22, 2025), kindly select the main dates and contact the 144th IOC Session Local Partner Secretariat at info144thiocsession@afeacongress.gr to arrange your extended stay.
The prices listed below are per room for the total selected stay, including breakfast and all relevant taxes (except for the climate crisis resilience fee).
Prices are stated in EUR (€).
Please note that hotel bookings can be made until January 30th, 2025. In the event that accreditation is not approved, you will be able to cancel your booking at no cost by January 31st, 2025.
Hotel bookings can only be confirmed once the full payment has been received.
A minimum stay of 2 overnights is required.